Document for Adlerian literature – copyright 2021 Eva Dreikurs Ferguson
Organization of the school of Individual Psychology
In 1914, Adler founded the Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, which, after several interruptions caused by political upheavals, terminated publication in 1951. The English-language International Journal of Individual Psychology was started in 1935, with Adler as editor. It has steadily increased its scope and, at present, it appears quarterly as the Journal of Individual Psychology, with Jon Sperry and Len Sperry as editors.
At the time of Adler’s death, there were 23 individual psychologic groups in various cities in Europe and the United States. Several of them conducted mental hygiene clinics and training institutes. Adler visited most of the groups while on lecture tours, thus adding periodically to the training of the members.
Between 1922 and 1930 five international congresses were held under Adler’s chairmanship. After World War II, the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP) continued to hold congresses.
1898 Gesundheitsbuch für das Schneidergewerbe. Wegweiser der Gewerbehygiene, Vol. 5. Berlin: Heymann.
(1907) 1917 Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensation: A Contribution to Clinical Medicine .Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, No. 24. New York: Nervous and Mental Diseases Pub. → First published in German.
(1909–1920) 1964 Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. Rev. ed. New York: Harcourt. → First published in German. Contains 28 papers originally published in medical journals between 1909 and 1920. A paperback edition was published in 1959 by Littlefield.
(1912) 1930 The Neurotic Constitution: Outlines of a Comparative Individualistic Psychology and Psychotherapy. New York: Dodd. → First published as Über den nervösen Charakter.
(1927) 1946 Understanding Human Nature. New York: Greenberg. → First published as Menschenkenntnis. A paperback edition was published in 1957 by Premier Books.
1928 Kurze Bemerkungen über Vernunft, Intelligenz und Schwachsinn. Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie 6:267–272.
(1930) 1963 The Problem Child: The Life Style of the Difficult Child as Analyzed in Specific Cases. With an introduction by Kurt A. Adler. New York: Putnam. → First published as Die Technik der Individualpsychologie. Volume 2: Die Seele der schwererziehbaren Schulkinder. Twenty case-study chapters of interviews with children, their parents, and teachers in Adler’s open community child guidance center.
(1931) 1960 What Life Should Mean to You. London: Allen & Unwin. → A paperback edition was published in 1958 by Capricorn Books.
(1933) 1939 Social Interest: A Challenge to Mankind. New York: Putnam. → First published as Der Sinn des Lebens. A paperback edition was published in 1964 by Capricorn Books.
1936 On the Interpretation of Dreams. International Journal of Individual Psychology 2, no. 1:3–16.
1956 The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. Edited by Heinz L. Ansbacher and Rowena R. Ansbacher. New York: Basic Books. → A paperback edition was published in 1964 by Harper.
Adler, Alexandra (1938) 1948 Guiding Human Misfits: A Practical Application of Individual Psychology. New ed., rev. New York: Philosophical Library.
Adler, Kurt A.; and Deutsch, Danica (editors) 1959 Essays in Individual Psychology: Contemporary Application of Alfred Adler’s Theories. New York: Grove Press.
Bottome, Phyllis (1939) 1957 Alfred Adler: Apostle of Freedom. 3d ed. London: Faber.
Dreikurs, Rudolf (1933) 1950 Fundamentals of Adlerian Psychology. New York: Greenberg. → First published as Einführung in die Individual–Psychologie.
Dreikurs, Rudolf (1945). The challenge of Marriage. Reprinted in later editions by Penguin/Plume, NY
Dreikurs, Rudolf (1946). Challenge of Parenthood. Reprinted in later editions by Penguin/Plume, NY.
Dreikurs, Rudolf (1960). Psychology in the Classroom. reprinted in later editions by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, NY.
Dreikurs, Rudolf, and Bernice Bronia Grunwald, Floy C. Pepper (1999). Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom. Reprinted in later editions by Tayor & Francis, Philadephia.
Dreikurs, Rudolf, Cassel, Pearl, & Ferguson, Eva Dreikurs (2000). Discipline without Tears. Wiley, Toronto.
International Journal of Individual Psychology. → Published since 1935; title varies.
Orgler, Hertha (1939) 1963 Alfred Adler; The Man and His Work: Triumph Over the Inferiority Complex. 3d ed. rev. and enl. London: Daniel. → A paperback edition was published in 1965 by Putnam.
Papanek, Helene; and Papanek, Ernst 1961 Individual Psychology Today. American Journal of Psychotherapy 15:4–26.
Further references on Adlerian Psychology:
Recommended Books
Adler, A. (1998). What life could mean to you. Center City, MN: Hazelden.
Adler, A. (1946). Understanding human nature. New York: Greenberg.
Dinkmeyer, D. & Dreikurs, R. (2000). Encouraging children to learn. New York: Routledge.
Dreikurs, R. (1946/2000). The challenge of marriage. New York: Brunner-Routledge.
Dreikurs, R. (1964/2006). Children: The challenge. New York: Plume.
Dreikurs, R. (1971/2008). Social equality: The challenge of today. Chicago: Adler School of Professional Psychology.
Dreikurs, R., Cassel, P., & Ferguson, E.D. (2004). Discipline without tears: How to reduce conflict and establish cooperation in the classroom.
Dreikurs, R. & Grey, L. (1968). The new approach to discipline: Logical consequences. New York: Plume.
Dreikurs, R., Grunwald, B.B., & Pepper, F.C. (1999). Maintaining sanity in the classroom: Classroom management techniques. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis.
Ferguson, E.D. (2008). Adlerian theory: An introduction. Chicago: Adler School of Professional Psychology.
Ferguson, E.D. (2006). Equality and social interest: A book of lectures from 1988 ICASSI in Greece. Author.
Grunwald, B.B. & McAbee, H. (1999). Guiding the family. Philadelphia, PA: Accelerated Development.