Typ B Kurse: Zweite Woche – vormittags und nachmittags |
B601, Bitter, Jim – Genograms: A Journey into Reconnection Genograms are family maps that are a foundation for exploring our family history, reconnecting to experiences from which we formed our style of living, and a process for reconnecting with the humans in our past and present. Genograms are also tools for experiential/spiritual learning about self and for forging much more intimate bonds with others. |
B602, Millar, Anthea – Safe Trauma Therapy This highly practical course draws on some of the latest trauma research and therapy approaches that integrate well with an Adlerian approach. It will focus particularly on developing the therapeutic skills of ensuring safety and stability, observing physiological arousal levels, enabling dual attention for managing flashbacks and trauma memories, and building on the person’s resilience and social connection. |